Join Us

Don’t have an account? Sign up today! By joining us, you’ll get the latest information, advice, and guidance delivered online, through blogs, podcasts, and webinars, plus an extensive A to Z, regularly updated Q&As, and even specialist one-to-one advice. The Wellbeing Hub has been created by a team of experts, drawing on evidence-based research and extensive experience of working with children, teens, schools, and families. It contains everything you need to set you up for success along every stage of the childhood and adolescent journey.

We're proud to introduce @WellbeingHubTT for parents & pupils (Year 6+) with expert advice on mental health and wellbeing. Free for all families!

📅Join us online for our Parent Launch Meeting on 10 Sept at 7pm to learn more.

Check your inbox for login details to get started!

We are thrilled to welcome so many brilliant schools to our growing community this September. Welcome onboard @highgate1565

We're proud to support 300+ schools and 170,000+ pupils. 🙌

#TheWellbeingHub #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #TeachersSupport #BackToSchool #BackToSchool2024

We are thrilled to welcome so many brilliant schools to our growing community this September. Welcome onboard @HighclareSchool

We're proud to support 300+ schools and 170,000+ pupils. 🙌

#TheWellbeingHub #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #TeachersSupport #BackToSchool #BackToSchool2024

We are thrilled to welcome so many brilliant schools to our growing community this September. Welcome onboard @wboroschool

We're proud to support 300+ schools and 170,000+ pupils. 🙌

#TheWellbeingHub #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #TeachersSupport #BackToSchool #BackToSchool2024

Webinars & Talks

We can deliver live Webinars and Talks on a range of topics, for pupils, parents and staff. And we can provide you with recorded talks to show at Parents’ Events. These are available at an additional charge.