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We'd like to highlight an invitation to join Alicia Drummond, founder of @WellbeingHubTT , parenting expert & author, for a free online event, bringing her expertise to support parents & carers, addressing causes of teenage anxiety-empowering young people.

New content this week - Podcast: Depression in young people with Dr Caroline Urwin, Consultant Clinical Psychologist

@bedesnews @bedesprep @WellbeingHubTT

@Ed_Dorrell @drdavidajames V excited by the 3rd phase of this. Couldn’t be prouder of the partnership we’ve forged & the collective learning we’ve enjoyed in this wonderful coalition. Thank you @Ed_Dorrell and all the inspirational colleagues in the YMHC. @AlleynsSchool @WellbeingHubTT @drdavidajames

I am delighted that today we are announcing a third phase of of the Coalition with the wonderful @WellbeingHubTT joining the group.

They are going to provide, I am sure, incredible additional wisdom and insight from across the network 5/5

Webinars & Talks

We can deliver live Webinars and Talks on a range of topics, for pupils, parents and staff. And we can provide you with recorded talks to show at Parents’ Events. These are available at an additional charge.