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Don’t have an account? Sign up today! By joining us, you’ll get the latest information, advice, and guidance delivered online, through blogs, podcasts, and webinars, plus an extensive A to Z, regularly updated Q&As, and even specialist one-to-one advice. The Wellbeing Hub has been created by a team of experts, drawing on evidence-based research and extensive experience of working with children, teens, schools, and families. It contains everything you need to set you up for success along every stage of the childhood and adolescent journey.

✨Don't miss✨

Tonight at 7:00pm - webinar with BACP Accredited Psychotherapist and Founder of The Wellbeing Hub, Alicia Drummond.

It's not too late to register! Register now:

#TheWellbeingHub #TeenTips #Webinar #Exam @WildHeartsGroup

✨New content✨

In collaboration with @thekingsschoolchester, we are delighted to provide some exceptional resources to help you revise successfully!

Access here:

#TheWellbeingHub #TeenTips #MentalHealth #Wellbeing #Revision #Revising #Answers #Exams

Our very own Mr Millard has contributed to the @WellbeingHubTT this week with his guide to creating a revision timetable that works for you. Senior school parents and pupils have free access to all Wellbeing Hub content and can login from today to follow his advice.

Are exams causing sleepless nights and frazzled nerves?

We have published practical tips in 10 helpful videos to support you through the exam and revision season.

Head to The Wellbeing Hub to watch now:


Webinars & Talks

We can deliver live Webinars and Talks on a range of topics, for pupils, parents and staff. And we can provide you with recorded talks to show at Parents’ Events. These are available at an additional charge.