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Are exams causing sleepless nights and frazzled nerves?

We have published practical tips in 10 helpful videos to support you through the exam and revision season.

Head to The Wellbeing Hub to watch now:


Thanks to the generosity and our partnership with @WildHeartsGroup this webinar is FREE for all who wish to attend.

πŸŽ₯ 'Setting up for exam success'
πŸ“† 17th April 2024
⏰ 7:00pm

Register free now:

#TheWellbeingHub #TeenTips #Webinar #Exam #Success

Don't forget catch up with the brilliant Russell Speirs and Friends podcast this Easter holiday - one of our favourite episodes is this one, where Russell meets school wellbeing expert Alicia Drummond πŸ‘‡
#wellbeing #schools #teenagers @WellbeingHubTT

Webinars & Talks

We can deliver live Webinars and Talks on a range of topics, for pupils, parents and staff. And we can provide you with recorded talks to show at Parents’ Events. These are available at an additional charge.