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Don’t have an account? Sign up today! By joining us, you’ll get the latest information, advice, and guidance delivered online, through blogs, podcasts, and webinars, plus an extensive A to Z, regularly updated Q&As, and even specialist one-to-one advice. The Wellbeing Hub has been created by a team of experts, drawing on evidence-based research and extensive experience of working with children, teens, schools, and families. It contains everything you need to set you up for success along every stage of the childhood and adolescent journey.

We can't help but smile this Friday as we celebrate assisting @seafordcollege Prep School in nurturing mental health and wellbeing through The Wellbeing Hub for the last four years

Seaford College Prep School initiated their membership in 2020

#FeelGoodFriday #TheWellbeingHub

We're delighted to attend Dr Maryhan's 'it takes a village to raise resilient adults' event today.

We're looking forward to hearing from a fantastic selection of speakers providing real-world useable techniques which work.

#TheWellbeingHub #TeenTips @BakerMaryhan

Next week's content: Wednesday 24th April 2024 - Webinar: Nutrition for concentration and performance with Tina Long-Caulk, The Nutrition Guru - Author, speaker, and nutritionist
@bedesnews @bedesprep @WellbeingHubTT

✨Don't miss✨

Tonight at 7:00pm - webinar with BACP Accredited Psychotherapist and Founder of The Wellbeing Hub, Alicia Drummond.

It's not too late to register! Register now:

#TheWellbeingHub #TeenTips #Webinar #Exam @WildHeartsGroup

Webinars & Talks

We can deliver live Webinars and Talks on a range of topics, for pupils, parents and staff. And we can provide you with recorded talks to show at Parents’ Events. These are available at an additional charge.